Winter Driving Tips

Planning Your Trip

  • Make sure your brakes, windshield wipers, defroster, heater and exhaust system are in good working order.
  • Check antifreeze and be ready for colder temperatures.
  • Always carry chains, even with 4 wheel drive. They should be the right size and in working order. You should know how to install them on your vehicle. If you have the road monkeys do it, be prepared to pay.
  • Other items you should carry should include, ice scraper, shovel, sand or burlap for traction, and an old towel to clean your hands when you are done.
  • Take along water, food, blankets, and extra clothes. Many times during the winter, long delays can be expected.
  • Carry an extra key in your pocket incase you are locked out or you break your key in a frozen lock.

 Driving Tips

  • Allow enough time to get to your desitnation. Mountain driving can take longer than you may expect.
  • Keep your gas tank full. You may have to change routes that can add many miles to your trip.
  • Keep windshields and windows clear.
  • Drive slower than you normally drive. Snow and ice make road conditions very slick and you may not see the "Black Ice" on the roads. It takes longer to stop than on dry pavement.
  • Be more observant of the road and others around you.
  • When stalled, stay with your vehicle and try to conserve fuel. If you keep the engine running, be alert for possible exhaust or monoxide problems.

 Chain Requirements

  • R1: Chains are required/ snow treads allowed.
  • R2: Chains required on all vehicles except four wheel drive with snow tires.
  • R3: Chains are required on all vehicles with no exceptions.

Chain Controls

  • You must stop and put on chains when highway signs dictate it.
  • Control areas acan change rapidly form place to place due to weather.
  • The speed limit when chains are reuired is 25 to 30 miles an hour and will be posted.
  • When you install chains, wait until your are completely off the road to the right.
  • Chain Installers: If you use the services of an installer, get a receipt and jot the installer's badge number on the receipt.
  • When removing chains, drive beyond the signs reading "End of Chain Control" to a pull-off area wher can you can safely remove the chains.
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